Nelmes Primary School

Opportunities for Achievement

Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3BX

01708 447676

Self BeliefPerseveranceResiliencePatience Aspiration

Religious Education

The core purpose of RE is to engage pupils in exploring and responding to challenging questions raised by religion and worldviews, so that they can develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, including their own.


At Nelmes we aim to deliver an engaging and creative R.E curriculum to inform and inspire pupils to think about the ‘big questions’ in life while also promoting understanding and respect for those with different beliefs and religious practises within our community.

Our curriculum follows the Agreed syllabus for Religious Education 2022-2027 for Havering and Redbridge which covers Christianity and other major world religions and belief systems (Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism) in our local community.

Our aims in R.E are for children to:

  • Have a comprehensive understanding of religions and belief systems.
  • Use this knowledge to facilitate their spiritual, moral and cultural development.
  • Have empathy for those with different beliefs from their own.
  • Become confident with discussing religious, moral and philosophical open ended questions such as ‘what is love?’
  • Develop positive learning behaviours such as patience, self-belief, resilience and aspiration.


R.E lessons are taught weekly throughout the school and collective worship takes place during assemblies. Teachers are made aware of important religious dates and sensitive and timely responses can be made to unforeseen events of a moral, religious or philosophical nature as and when they arise. R.E is closely linked to the issues covered in the Relationship Programme.

It is important for R.E to be creative and inspiring, so drama, music, stories, role-play and art are all used in the delivery of lessons.

Children should:

  • Showcase their R.E knowledge in their work in a variety of ways.
  • compare religions identifying similarities with religious beliefs and moral issues.
  • Present their own religious beliefs to their peers and to build on from previous learning which will ensure continuity and a sustained interest in their learning.
  • Reflect on and discuss the big questions in life, considering different viewpoints.


Children have a good, broad knowledge of Christianity and world religions and can use this to make links between common ideas and values. They also respect the differences between religions and empathise with those who hold contrasting beliefs from their own.  Through reflecting on the ‘big questions’ in life, children are able to start to make sense of the world around them and will continue this learning as they move through their lives.


RE policy 2022

RE Curriculum overview 2022-2027