Nelmes Primary School

Opportunities for Achievement

Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3BX

01708 447676

Self BeliefPerseveranceResiliencePatience Aspiration


Intent, Implementation and impact Nelmes Primary Relationship Programme which incorporates the PSHE curriculum.



At Nelmes Primary School, our intent is for PSHE to be taught in a way that supports children to develop their understanding of who they are and their place in the wider world. PSHE lessons will support the children’s learning across the curriculum alongside allowing them to develop a clearer understanding of their relationships with one another and the members of our school and wider communities.

The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to:

  • Support children’s development and enable them to understand and respect who they are
  • Empower children by allowing them to have a voice and to understand their rights and responsibilities
  • Celebrate difference by learning about other people and sharing experiences
  • Encourage aspirational thinking and goal setting
  • Help children to understand how to stay physically and emotionally healthy
  • Explore how to maintain healthy relationships and resolve conflicts
  • Consider how to cope positively with changes (including puberty)

The non-statutory Sex Education is also included within our PSHE curriculum. While we consider this to be a vital part of the children’s learning within the PSHE curriculum at Nelmes, as Sex Education is not compulsory in primary schools (DfE Guidance 2013, p.23), parents/carers have the right to request that their child/children be withdrawn from these lessons.

At Nelmes, we have chosen to use the Jigsaw Programme to teach our PSHE curriculum. The Jigsaw Programme covers all areas of the PSHE for the primary phase including the statutory Relationships and Health Education.  We also include elements of Mindfulness within our PSHE learning as we recognise the benefits of these practises to the children’s wider learning experiences.


Children are taught PSHE weekly using the Jigsaw Programme as the starting point for planning these lessons. Due to the nature of the subject, PSHE may also be taught at other times as the needs of a class dictate (for example if time is needed to address a specific incident or an ongoing situation within the class).

The Jigsaw Programme covers the primary phase PSHE curriculum using 6 units known as Puzzles:





Autumn 1

Being Me In My World

Includes understanding my own identity and how I fit within the class, school and global community. The Jigsaw Charter is established to support respectful and effective learning and sharing together.


Autumn 2

Celebrating Difference

Includes anti-bullying (including cyber and homophobic bullying) and understanding and respecting differences within myself and others.

Spring 1

Dreams and Goals

Includes goal setting, aspirations, considering who I want to become, what I’d like to do for work and how I can contribute to society.


Spring 2

Healthy Me

Includes drug and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices, sleep, nutrition, rest and exercise.


Summer 1


Includes understanding friendships, family and other relationships; conflict resolution and communication skills; bereavement and loss.


Summer 2

Changing Me

Includes Relationships and Sex Education within the context of coping positively with change.




PSHE lessons using the Jigsaw Programme are taught in a variety of ways using games, discussion, partner and group work, independent reflection and consideration of wider issues that affect children as they develop. The Jigsaw Programme introduces each area of study in an age appropriate and accessible way. Teachers use the Jigsaw resources as a starting point for their lessons and include additional resources as they are needed. There is an element of Mindfulness within each of the lessons within the Jigsaw programme and this included in addition to other opportunities for Mindful practises within classes.

Whilst many of our PSHE lessons are discussion based, the children have a chance to keep their written responses and reflections in the back of RE books in Key Stage 1 and in a PSHE folder that they will keep throughout Key Stage 2.

At the start of each PSHE lesson, children are reminded of the Jigsaw Charter that is introduced at the start of the Autumn term. This is a document that outlines the expectations of each learner in a PSHE lesson. The Jigsaw Charter states:

  • We take turns to speak
  • We use kind and positive words
  • We listen to each other
  • We have the right to pass
  • We only use names when giving compliments or when being positive
  • We respect each other’s privacy (confidentiality)

By following the guidelines in the charter, children feel more able to share their responses with confidence and at the time that is right for them within PSHE lessons.

Throughout our PSHE lessons at Nelmes, we promote respect for all and value every individual child and their experiences.


PSHE lessons at Nelmes support our key learning behaviours of aspiration, self-belief, resilience, perseverance, and patience. We believe that developing these behaviours will better equip the children to become effective life-long learners. The PSHE curriculum offered via the Jigsaw Programme offers a spiral curriculum that ensures progression from EYFS through Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. By the end of Key Stage 2, our hope is that children are ready to progress to secondary education with a better understanding of who they are and their place in the world. We aim to equip our children with the tools they need to build successful and healthy relationships and to cope with the changes that life will inevitably bring, including the changes to our bodies during puberty. PSHE lessons will help children to make positive choices about their own physical and mental wellbeing and to know the importance of sharing their thoughts and experiences. Through the offer of Sex Education lessons as a part of the PSHE curriculum, we aim to provide the children with the chance to learn about human reproduction in a safe and familiar environment.

PSHE lessons at Nelmes are a chance for children to learn more about the world around them and to be able to share their thoughts and responses in a secure and supportive environment.